Euthyrox 75 mg Tablet

Euthyrox 75 mg Tablet

Zmerck- Spl
Uses of Euthyrox 75 mg Tablet:
Composition of Euthyrox 75 mg Tablet:
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine 75mcg
MRP: 160.16 Inclusive of all Taxes
*Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.


Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is generally used in treatment of the treatment of hypothyroidism.

Side effects

  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nervousness
  • Palpitations
  • Tremor
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss

How to use

Consume this medicine in the dosage and duration as per your doctors advise. While taking Thyroxine / Levothyroxine, swallow it completely without crushing, breaking or chewing it. Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is to be taken empty stomach.

How it works

Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is an equivalent to the hormone produced by the thyroid gland. It makes the condition better by substituting the thyroid hormones and relieves the symptoms of hypothyroidism ( weight gain, tiredness and depression).
Q. Can I take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine during pregnancy?
It is safe to take thyroid hormone during pregnancy as it is naturally present in the body. In order to have a good environment for the baby, it is essential to have normal thyroid levels for those who are pregnant or planning for the same. During pregnancy, there might be a need to increase the intake of thyroid if you are already consuming them. It is a must to have your thyroid and TSH levels checked once you are pregnant in regular intervals as per the doctors' advice, which is generally done in every trimester.

Q. Does Thyroxine / Levothyroxine interact with any other medications?
There might be a need to alter the dose of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine based on the usage of medications such as testosterone, birth control pills, estrogen, some medications for seizures, cholesterol and depression, supplments such as iron and calcium. So you have to let your physician know about all the medicines or supplements you are consuming.

Q. What is the dose for Thyroxine / Levothyroxine?
Based on the clinical response and biochemical tests the dose will be individualized. It is recommended to have regular monitoring of TSH and Thyroxine / Levothyroxine while starting the therapy or change of the dose. Before changing the dose or discontinuing the medicine, doctor's advice is a must.

Q. Can I take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine with tea/coffee/food?
The recommended time to take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is empty stomach in the morning. 1hour before and 2hours after consuming this medicine there should not be any intake, as it might affect the absorption.

Q. What happens if we consume too much iodine?
The increase in iodine intake may cause the thyroid gland to make excess thyroid hormone which will lead to iodine-induced hyperthyroidism. Excess iodine causes hypothyroidism because it blocks the thyroid's ability to produce the hormone.

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a beta blocker?
No. Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is not a beta-blocker. It is a hormone synthesised by the thyroid gland present in the neck region. It maintains normal growth & development, body temperature & energy levels.

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a blood thinner?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is not a blood thinner. This is a hormone which is used for hypothyroidism treament. Whereas, blood thinners prevents abnormal clot formation..

Q. Does Thyroxine / Levothyroxine cause weight loss?
Yes weight loss is one of the side effects usually caused due to excessive dosage.But it cannot be used to treat obesity

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a growth hormone?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is not a growth hormone, but it is required for proper functioning of growth hormone. This is a hormone synthesized by the thyroid gland present in the neck region. Whereas, the growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland present in the brain.

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a neurotransmitter?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is a hormone secreted directly into the blood by the thyroid gland, so it is not a neurotransmitter. Whereas neurotransmitter transmits impulses from one nerve cell to other in the brain.

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a tropic hormone?
Tropic hormones target other endocrine glands. Thyroxine / Levothyroxine can be considered as a tropic hormone, as it is secreted by the thyroid gland which targets the hypothalamus.

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a protein?
Two types of thyroid hormones are secreted by the thyroid gland, triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4 or Thyroxine / Levothyroxine). More than 99% of these hormones in the blood as bound to carrier proteins, Thyroxine / Levothyroxine -binding globulin, synthesized in the liver. Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is not a protein.

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a peptide or steroid?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is neither a peptide nor a steroid, it is an amino acid (tyrosine) derived hormone. Amino acids are tiny building blocks of proteins, but they are not proteins unless a number of them are connected in a sequence.

Q. Can Thyroxine / Levothyroxine be used as hormone replacement therapy?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine can be used to compensate the deficiency of thyroid hormone in the body, hence it can be used as hormone replacement therapy

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a hormone?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, which causes increased oxygen consumption by the tissues of the body it also increases metabolism of carbohydrates ,lipids, proteins and increases basal metabolic rate.

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a slowly acting drug?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is a slow-acting drug and takes some time to act. because it acts through receptors situated in the nucleus of a cell and effects in the formation of various protein to target its action

Q. Is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine a diuretic?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. hence it is not a diuretic

Q. What is Thyroxine / Levothyroxine poisoning?
When an excessive dose is taken Thyroxine / Levothyroxine poisoning occurs and causes side effects like headache, hyperactivity, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, tachycardia, arrhythmias, heat intolerance, fever, increased pulse and blood pressure.If you see any of the above side effects consult your physician as soon as possible

Q. How Thyroxine / Levothyroxine modulates erythropoiesis?
Studies have shown that thyroid hormone significantly affects the erythropoiesis and improves red blood cell synthesis. But it is not approved to treat anemia (decreased red cell count).However, Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is required fornormal functioning of the body.

Q. In which condition does Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is used along with carbimazole?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is used with carbimazole in the treatment of Graves disease or hyperthyroidism. Studies have shown it is used as block–replace regimen which means the option of maintaining the high dose of antithyroid drugs along with adding levothyroxine to maintain normal thyroid state.

Q. Can I take an antidepressant along with Thyroxine / Levothyroxine?
No. Some antidepressants which lead to increased adverse effects of both the drugs and there are noted interactions between Thyroxine / Levothyroxine hence consult your doctor before taking medication.

Q. What is the effect of grapefruit juice on the absorption of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine?
when taken with Grapefruit juice lightly reduces the absorption of levothyroxine otherwise there is no major interaction between these two.

Q. Can I take vitamins with Thyroxine / Levothyroxine and what would be its effects?
Yes. Thyroxine / Levothyroxine can be taken with Vitamins and it can be added to your diet, but you should not take vitamin supplement within four hours of taking your thyroid medication.

Q. Can I take omeprazole along with Thyroxine / Levothyroxine?
Omeprazole raises the gastric pH and interferes with the absorption of the Thyroxine / Levothyroxine. So, omeprazole should not be used with Thyroxine / Levothyroxine.

Q. Can I take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine with iron tablets?
The absorption of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is decreased when taken Thyroxine / Levothyroxine should not be taken with iron tablet. You must take them with a gap of four hours between them.

Q. Can I take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine with calcium?
The absorption of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is decreased when taken with Thyroxine / Levothyroxine should not be taken with calcium. You must take them with a gap of four hours between them.

Q. Can Thyroxine / Levothyroxine be used in the treatment obesity?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine should not be used to treat obesity, as it may cause serious life-threatening side effects if given with other weight reducing medications.

Q. Can Thyroxine / Levothyroxine be used in the treatment of depression?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is not recommended to be taken in depression, but some of the research has shown that adding Thyroxine / Levothyroxine to the antidepressant medication therapy has improved the effectiveness of antidepressant therapy in the patients.

Q. Can Thyroxine / Levothyroxine help you get pregnant?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine treats hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid hormone) and associated complications resulting in increased chances of conceiving. As Failure to conceive is not merely due to decreased thyroid hormone and also several other factors always Consult your doctor before starting Thyroxine / Levothyroxine.

Q. Should I take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine in morning or evening?
It is preferred to take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine in morning before breakfast. Research has shown that even if it is taken in the evening, it shows the same effects as compared to morning, but it is not practiced because of ensuring an empty stomach by the patient.

Q. Is it safe to take Thyroxine / Levothyroxine if I have a cardiac disease?
Yes. Thyroxine / Levothyroxine can be taken at a lower dose or used on alternate days. There are chances of side effects in person with cardiac disease like an increase in heart rate, cardiac wall thickness, and cardiac contractility that may cause precipitate angina or irregular heart rhythms. Hence, inform your physician if you have a heart disease so that he prescribes the required dose.

Q. What are the serious side effects of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine?
The side effects of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine are normally due to Overdose it may cause diarrhoea, vomiting, weight loss with increased appetite, palpitations, angina, insomnia, and restlessness. These symptoms are similar to hyperthyroidism. Immediately consult your doctor if you have these symptoms.

Q. Can I take antacids with Thyroxine / Levothyroxine?
The absorption of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is reduced when taken Thyroxine / Levothyroxineshould n't be taken with an antacid. You must take them with a gap of four hours between them.

Q. When should I get thyroid function test after starting Thyroxine / Levothyroxine?
After three months of treatment or change in dose, you can take the thyroid functionality test.

Q. Can Thyroxine / Levothyroxine be taken along with MAO inhibitor?
Thyroxine / Levothyroxine can be used with MAO inhibitors. Discuss it with your doctor before starting these medicines.
  • Your doctor has prescribed Thyroxine / Levothyroxine to replace the natural thyroid hormone that your own thyroid gland can no longer make.It is best to take it on an empty stomach (ideally, first thing in the morning). No food, milk, or tea should be taken 1 hour before and 2 hours after taking this medicine.It may take 6 to 8 weeks to get the full effect.For most people, Thyroxine / Levothyroxine is a lifelong medication. Do not discontinue it without first discussing with your doctor.Inform your doctor if you have diarrhoea, nervousness, irritability, feeling of a heartbeat, sleep disturbances, shaking hands, or chest pain. Your doctor may adjust your dose.Leave a gap of at least 4 hours before taking any antacids, calcium or iron supplements, and multivitamins, as these may interfere with the effect of the medicine.Get your hormone levels checked regularly and inform your doctor if you notice a significant change in your body weight. The dose may need to be adjusted.Inform your doctor before changing the brand of Thyroxine / Levothyroxine as all brands may not have the same effect.

Product Details

SKU: PC-68602
Product Description: Euthyrox 75 mg Tablet is manufactured by Zmerck- Spl
Packing: Container
Condition: New
Sold by: Pulse Pharmacy India Pvt. Ltd.

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